Kids Can be Vendors Too!
Read the Guidelines Below.
Become A Young Entrepreneur
-- applications due by March 25 for Derwood Market. By April 18 for Cabin John, Wheaton, and Shady Grove Markets
We support young farmers, bakers and artisans who produce their own items and sell directly to customers at our local markets. Our program was featured in the Washington Post. We want to support budding young entrepreneurs by giving them market space and guidance to start their first enterprise. Any youngster ages 12-18 who has a bank savings account and submits an application will be considered.
Market space fees are subsidized for young entrepreneurs, who also receive ongoing mentoring about managing their market presence, business accounting, and the importance of saving. All items must be produced by the young entrepreneur and follow any applicable health code guidelines. Past young entrepreneurs have made lemonade, soaps, cupcakes, decorative wreaths and flowers and herbs. Find something you like or learn from a local workshop. You may work with a friend as a partner… make it fun!
This is a great opportunity for self-motivated, conscientious kids. You get a subsidized space and mentoring to run your business at the farmers market(s) of your choice. Any youngster ages 12 to 18 with a bank savings account, who submits an application, and if their business is a good match for the market, may be eligible to receive sponsorship to start their business at the market. We will contact you for an interview once we review your application. Read the general market guidelines before you use the link below to apply. Food entrepreneurs will need to comply to any insurance certifications and food licenses as adult vendors.
Each accepted young entrepreneur must hang a weather-proof, professional quality sign that is no less than 3’ x 5’ in size with lettering approximately 8″ high to be legible across the market. Prices must be posted on each item, clearly marked and large enough to be visible to passing customers 10 feet away.
Booth Responsibilities – All items must be produced by you.
– Your booth table must have a clean neat table cover.
– Booth must be clean and neatly maintained.
– Bring a trash receptacle with trash liners for trash your customers generate.
– Bring an old broom to sweep your booth space if needed.
– Bag up and remove trash at market close on each market day.
– Attend each market day; unexcused absence is cause for termination.
– Be completely set up by 30 minutes before market opens.
– You may not break-down your booth until the market closes. You may consolidate your goods as you sell throughout the market day.
The young entrepreneur must keep a log of all expenses, all receipts and all earnings and report daily sales revenue. That log must be tallied after each market, a composition notebook works fine for this. The market manager will help guide you in this activity.
There is a $25 market application fee and a $10 per market day fee.
To apply, youngsters NOT their parents must submit an application here.